6 Mistakes in Acne Treatment
Thefight against acneis one of the strongest we have in our beauty routine during adolescence – and often even into adulthood. It even overcomes wrinkles! But, in this war, are you not makingsome mistakes that hinder the elimination of pimples?
We talked to dermatologist Ligia Kogos to find outthe biggest mistakes made in acne treatments.
1. Washing your face a lot has a rebound effect
The ideal is to wash 2-3 times a day. “If this is done in an exaggerated way, many times a day, you can irritate the skin and even mechanically stimulate the sebaceous glands,” says Ligia. And then, the result is more oiliness and more pimples.
2. Abuse of creams worsens acne
“If the products are not recommended by someone who really understands the skin scientifically and has planned them for your specific case, there may be worsening due to pore overload, obstruction, acute irritation, as well as side effects of overdosed medicines, incompatibility between them and awareness ”, warns the dermato.
There is also the so-called “cosmetic acne”, caused by the inappropriate use of creams.
3. The asset that worked for your friend … may not work for you
An individualized treatment plan, accompanied by a dermatologist and formulas with specific compositions for each person‘s skin type and acne is important.
“Especially because, the really efficient assets are all prescription drugs, both for local use – such as retinoic acid, clindamycin, resorcin – and the important oral medications (minocycline and isotretinoin). The degree of acne, individual characteristics and lifestyle determine the path that the dermatologist will follow ”, explains Ligia.
4. Treating the spine superficially is not enough
It is necessary to eliminate the determining factors of acne, so that the skin stabilizes and there is not always the imminent risk of a pimple appearing. “Acne is the rash that is characterized by the appearance of inflamed lesions, with pus, oil, blackheads … And that can leave scars “, he says.
The treatments must attack the problem at its bases: normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, reducing oiliness, rid the skin of inflammation and infection, unclog and refine the pores by eliminating blackheads and microcysts and smoothing the acne scars that already exist.
5. Using homemade recipes is dangerous
“There is no reason to use any homemade product today, not least because in the past they never worked for acne. That is why so many people had their faces marked. Even in mild cases of grade I acne, it is better to buy a good soap that controls blackheads and oil based on salicylic acid and sulfur, which is cheap and simple to use, than to risk yourself in hard pastes and masks that do not solve the problem. case ”, says the dermatologist.
The frequency of use of the products is an essential factor. Beside this there is a great risk of sensitization and allergies. Some fruits, for example, cause phytodermatoses, which can hyperpigment, cause blisters and burn-like irritations!
6. Waiting for acne to ignite, create pus and leave scars is a mistake
“At the first signs of excessive oiliness and the presence of blackheads, the treatment should start: soaps based on sodium sulfacetamide, salicylic acid and sulfur; astringent lotions with salicylic acid and or glycolic acid and skin cleanses, in which blackheads and closed white microcysts are removed, so that they do not turn into pimples,