Categories: Acne

Acne Causing Foods You Need to Avoid

Over the years, you’ve probably read a number of studies and heard a number of people telling you that certain foods cause acne breakouts. We’ve all heard that dairy products are not good for your skin, that eating chocolate or pizza will proof detrimental to avoiding acne, and that eating enough fruits and vegetables will ensure you have a beautiful, flawless face.

Unfortunately, all of these studies and ideas are not always true. Don’t you know plenty of people who can eat just about whatever they want, including greasy potato chips, pop tarts, and soda pop, and never have a single pimple? And have you ever met someone who eats a relatively healthy diet but still struggles with acne problems?

Herein lies the truth. Foods do sometimes impact the health of the skin and may cause acne, but it isn’t the same for everyone. One food that may cause an acne breakout in girl A may not cause an acne breakout in girl B and visa versa.

If you’re struggling with acne, there are a couple of things to look at. You’ll probably need to experiment with different diet changes until you find a solution. The first thing to assess is, are you getting enough water? A lot of people who are chronically dehydrated suffer from acne just because their skin is so thirsty. The second thing to consider is your weight. People who are overweight may notice an increase in acne that will diminish as they lose weight to be at a more healthy level.

As far as foods go, you may notice that when you eat more refined sugars and processed foods, you tend to break out more. Decreasing the sugar you have in your coffee and coffee in general as well as the consumption of processed foods such as white bread, packaged cheeses, or most snack foods may be the solution you need.

If you tend to eat a lot of fast food, heavy foods, full restaurant meals, or greasy food, this may be the cause of your acne. You can determine this by changing your diet and decreasing the amount of the above food you eat and replacing it with healthier alternatives.

Again, though there have been many studies done that try to tell us that we cannot eat a chocolate bar if we want healthy skin or that a slice of pizza is the absolute enemy in the war against acne, there is no absolute answer as to which foods cause acne breakouts. It really is a great world of experiment to see which foods and dietary habits impact your skin to make it the most beautiful that it can be.

Source by Gio Rigt


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Tags: acne

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