TCA Peels For Tattoo Removal – Do They Really Work? OF COURSE!

TCA Peels for Tattoo Removal has almost become a household word. You may also come across chemical peels referred to as TCA peels, especially when linked to tattoo removal. TCA stands for trichloroacetic acid. Chemical peels are often used to remove tattoos specifically because of its deep penetrating properties. trichloroacetic acid peels will penetrate deeper…

Penis Health: Choosing the Right Lubricants

Having lubricant around for both partner-based and solo sexual activity is a great idea. Excessive friction from masturbation and sex can eventually lead to a partial de-sensitization of the penis, something that impedes on a man’s ability to enjoy sexual activities. In the interest of maintaining proper penile health, then, men should lube up. But…

Skin Cream Review – Pros and Cons of Collagen Skin Cream

When you are looking through different skin cream reviews, looking for the best anti aging products for your skin, you will often encounter collagen creams. But what are collagen creams actually? Well, these skin creams contain collagen, an important protein that can be found in the skin naturally. Collagen, alongside with elastin, are indeed the…

The Exaggerated Use of Face Highlights and Contouring Do You Really Need It?

Highlighting and contouring originated from male to female drag queens to use makeup artistry as a way to soften their jawlines and conceal their facial hair and brow ridge. This style of makeup was known to be heavy on the highlight and contour and very expressive. However, to non-professionals, the art of contouring and highlighting…

Take a Bath in Noni: Kick Rashes, Bruising and Pain to the Curb

Noni is a plant with a long history of medicinal use. It is a natural pain-killer (analgesic) which is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Noni assists the cleansing of toxins from the body, helps the cells repair and regenerate and hydrates the skin. What does all of that mean? It means that noni is a potent,…