Natural Cures For Nail Fungus Infection – How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus Once and For All!

Nail fungus is a very common condition. Over 35 million people suffer from it just in the U.S. This fungus is not just an aesthetic problem. It is an infection that is usually caused by an organism called dermatophyte. The dermatophytes are not visible to the naked eye, but their results are visible. Once the…

Common Reasons Which Causes Acne on Your Buttocks and What You Should Know About It

Buttock acne is quiet commonly known skin condition. There are no particular reasons for the cause of acne on your buttocks but some possible reasons have been identified which results in buttock acne. Tight clothing, bedding cleanliness, stress, drugs and detergents are some of the known reasons for this acne. The pivotal cause for it…

Cabbage for Acne

If you are suffering from acne and you have already tried any way possible to get rid of it, then do not lose hope. Just like the saying goes, “There is a solution in every problem.” Though you think that your acne will stay like forever on your face, it is still possible for that…

Home Remedy for Adult Acne – 4 Natural Remedies That You Can Try

A home remedy for adult acne can treat mild to severe cases. This skin condition is common among teens and adults. The lesions appear as blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps and pus. Severe forms that contain cysts are very painful and can lead to scarring, if they are not treated properly. To treat this skin condition,…