History of Skincare Part 16: The Industrial Revolution, 1800-1849

The Face of the Industrial Revolution When imagining the people who lived during the Industrial Revolution, it is easy to picture the characters from a Charles Dickens novel. It is easy to imagine cities filled with soot-faced Oliver Twists and David Copperfields. In some respects, this picture is accurate. The first half of the nineteenth…

Why Nutritional Supplements Should Be Part of Your Natural Treatment For Rosacea

Rosacea is common skin disorder that affects many adults between the ages of thirty to fifty years. Even though the causes of rosacea are still unclear, many factors are suspected including vitamin deficiencies and digestive disorders. As we get older our bodies are put under a great deal of stress. The result can be poor…

Best Over the Counter Toenail Fungus Treatment – Do They Really Work?

If you are looking for the best over the counter toenail fungus treatment then, you need to think twice because no two treatment methodologies are meant to yield the same results. If you really seek toenail fungus pain treatment then, you need to first understand how to check the health of your nails. Here is…

Vaginal Pimple Pictures: Why Making A Diagnosis Of Genital Warts and Lumps Using Photos Is Dangerous

Vaginal pimple pictures – Are you worried because you have noticed or felt what seems to be a pimple or boil in the genital area? Or are you more in a panic because you think it’s a genital wart? Stop right there. There’s no need to get your knickers in a twist because whichever it…