Categories: Fungus

Candida Albicans Yeast Infection – What is it and How Does it Affect You?

If you have taken biology at any point in your life, you may remember these two words: Candida Albicans. Need a reminder of what that is? Candida Albicans (also known as monillia) is the scientific term for a fungus that lives on our body. Don’t worry, it is natural and is supposed to be there, so don’t go running to your doctor yet.

Candida Albicans, in a healthy environment, lives in unison with bacteria on our body. Together, these two keep each other in check and ensure that the other isn’t getting out of control. Sometimes, however, this balance is thrown off and can result in that Candida Albicans to grow and develop into a yeast infection.

The primary cause for yeast infections are antibiotics. Yes, the medicine that is supposed to make us better can also make us sick. Antibiotics are prescribed to us when we have a bacteria-related illness. They kill off the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria are also often destroyed, allowing other harmful materials to wreak havoc on our bodies.

Some of the most common yeast infections are: vaginal yeast infections (vaginalitis monilliasis), Thrush (oral yeast infection), scaly rashes, fingernail infections, toe nail infections (candida onchomycosis), and penile yeast infections (male candida).

Though dependent on where the infection is on the body, there are a number of treatments that your doctor will prescribe to you. You can choose topical ointment treatments (Femstat 3, Monistat, Vagistat), oral treatments (Diflucan and amphotericin B) or even natural remedies such as yogurt, garlic, and tea tree oil.

There are steps you can take to try and prevent the development of a yeast infection. One is to be sure to wear loose, breathable clothing and cotton underwear. Shower immediately after you swim, and change out of your swim gear, workout clothing or other damp clothing as soon as you possibly can, and be sure to towel dry thoroughly. For women, do not douche or use feminine hygiene sprays, scented sanitary pads, or scented tampons. Be sure to eat yogurt that contains “lactobacillus acidophilus” (this contains a natural probiotic that fights fungus), limit your sugar intake, and reduce your stress by getting plenty of rest.

Source by Sandra W.


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