History of Skincare Part 16: The Industrial Revolution, 1800-1849

The Face of the Industrial Revolution When imagining the people who lived during the Industrial Revolution, it is easy to picture the characters from a Charles Dickens novel. It is easy to imagine cities filled with soot-faced Oliver Twists and David Copperfields. In some respects, this picture is accurate. The first half of the nineteenth…

Stretch Marks and Effective Ways of Removing It

Stretch marks or “striae gravidarum” in its medical term are caused by the excessive stretching of the skin. The usual causes of stretch marks are rapid weight loss or weight gain, puberty and pregnancy. Almost all teenagers and expecting mothers will get this condition. Stretch marks are a common phenomenon between women. Women who are…

Why Using a Toner as Part of Your Skin Care Regime is Important

As women are experiencing ever increasing demands on their time, many have opted out of using a toner in their daily skin care regime and only use cleansing and moisturising as the key steps to keeping their skin looking healthy, vibrant and young. This is however a big mistake, as toning is a very important…