Causes, treatments and types of acne
We tell you all about the types of acne, their causes and specific treatments. Acne manifests itself in the form of pimples and pimples. In all cases, to fight acne, the use of sebum-regulating treatments is essential.
Acne manifests itself in the form of pimples and pimples. It can be of several types. In all cases, to fight acne, the use of sebum-regulating treatments is essential.
From comedonian acne to inflammatory acne
There are different types of acne. An excess of sebum on the skin causes the pores to dilate and the skin pores to tend to clog. The pore closes and the sebum is lodged inside, the “comedones” (commonly called blackheads and blackheads) appear: this gives rise to comedonian acne . In this oxygen-depleted environment, a bacteria normally present on the skin (known as Propionibacterium acnes), can proliferate and release inflammatory substances that spread in this area and give rise to inflamed lesions (rashes, pimples), producing a inflammatory acne . These two forms can coexist in adolescents, being called polymorphic acne, which affects almost 60% of acne patients.
Acne: a problem with multiple causes.
Some factors contribute to the appearance of acne lesions. It is normally due to hormonal disturbances (puberty, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, etc.) but also stress and fatigue , which can lead to overproduction of sebum and bacterial growth. When the sebum cannot come out normally, the pores in the skin become blocked. Then pimples and pimples appear .
To treat acne a specific treatment is needed.
To stop acne, the skin needs specific treatment and an adapted cosmetic treatment routine. It is very important to follow certain rules daily:
- Clean the skin daily with products specially formulated for oily skin.
- Use a treatment product every day . This is the real key for that treatment to result.
- Use products designed for oily skin and non-comedogenic makeup .
- Protects skin from the sun, which, despite general belief, is a false friend of acne.
- Do not handle the pimples, since the spread of lesions throughout the face is favored.
In addition to these cosmetic measures, the dermatologist will prescribe a specific treatment depending on your type of acne. Do not hesitate to consult him when the first symptoms appear, because the success of the treatment depends on it.
And if you need any advice onhow to make up oily skin with acne do not hesitate to visit the content website “Tupielytu” .