Categories: Acne

Creatine Clears Up Acne?

Contrary beliefs point out that creatine probably causes people to breakout. Looking around many online forums, you will see many users stating that they broke out while using this supplement. On the other hand, I am stating that taking creatine may actually help to prevent breakouts, indirectly. I want to go ahead and take some time to discuss with you why this popular muscle building supplement could cause you to breakout, indirectly. I also want to talk about why it could cause your complexion to clear up, also indirectly. Finally, I want to leave you with some final words of advice.

Creatine Causing you to Breakout? If you’re taking creatine, you may have noticed that you’re breaking out a little bit more than usual. For me, I never get pimples. I used to all the time, but managed to clear up my skin, completely, and stay completely clear for 1 year. Then, I started taking creatine. After only a few days, I noticed that a few pimples were coming up. Mind you, I was completely clear for 1 whole year, so this was extremely unusual. Problem is, when I was supplementing with creatine at the time of my breakouts, I wasn’t drinking enough water. One of the side effects of taking creatine is dehydration. Dehydration can directly cause acne. Feel free to do some research on the subject of dehydration and acne, if you don’t believe me.

Creatine Causing your Skin to Clear up? Me being the freak that I am, I decided to lay off the creatine for awhile. I am extremely picky about my complexion, and would rather have clear skin, than be some muscle-head. Another year of clear skin later, I decided to start taking creatine again. This time, I noticed that it actually began to help my complexion. Why did it help to improve my complexion this time around? Well, this time, I was actually drinking 2 gallons of water a day. I was playing by the rules of creatine, and in turn, my complexion loved me for it.

As you can probably see, creatine cannot cause or clear your acne. Instead, taking the supplement can cause one of two things. First, you can become dehydrated, which can cause you to breakout. Second, you can drink more than enough water, become extremely hydrated, and end up with even clearer skin than before. If you don’t already know this, you will now; Drinking 8 or more glasses of water a day can be extremely beneficial to your health, and extremely beneficial to your complexion. For these reasons, the folks who take creatine but don’t drink enough water, will likely complain of more breakouts than usual. Alternatively, people who take creatine, but drink more than enough water, may notice that their skin will actually begin to clear up.

Source by Taylor Thompson


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Tags: acne

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