Funginix – Best Nail Fungus Treatment?

Did you know that if you were to add up every nail fungus treatment available today (natural toe nail fungus treatments, toenail fungus home remedies, nail fungus laser treatment, toe nail fungus medications, etc…) that it would total nearly a hundred! There’s no wonder that many people like yourself don’t know what treatment option to use.

How many times have you said to yourself when looking at your toenails “Today is the day that I’m going to do something about my toenail fungus!”, but end up doing nothing?

You’d be surprised to learn how many people like yourself go through life embarrassed to wear open toed shoes and disgusted by their nail fungus. Millions of people think they don’t need treatment because they think it will go away by itself.

By reading this article, it tells me that you’re not one of those people… and that you want the best treatment there is to offer.

New Nail Fungus Treatment

Funginix may be the new nail fungus treatment on the block, but it has proven to be a very powerful and effective natural treatment. The Sisquoc Healthcare Corporation, who is known for their impeccable healthcare products, introduced Funginix approximately 2 years ago. Over the last 2 years, the popularity of Funginix has been nothing short of amazing.

Funginix has become more popular than ever and it’s becoming the people’s choice.

Best Nail Fungus Treatment

Funginix formerly known as Fungisil has really gained in popularity as the best nail fungus treatment among toenail fungus sufferers. Many compare it to the very popular Zetaclear, which is also considered a top treatment option. Both of these are considered an over the counter toenail fungus treatment that can be purchased on the internet.

I would consider Funginix is to be one of the best if not the best topical treatment option available today. Why?

In just two years it has surpassed every other toenail fungus medication in popularity within the toenail fungus community.

Natural Nail Fungus Treatment

Funginix has become one of the most talked about natural nail fungus treatment options in the online forums. It contains 25 natural ingredients (24 inactive and 1 active) that have been formulated as a topical nail fungus treatment.

The active ingredient undecylenic acid (USP 10%) is extracted from natural castor oil as an organic unsaturated fatty acid, which is used as a natural fungicide. Undecylenic acid has been approved by the FDA for use against fungal skin infections including the treatment of toenail fungus.

A few of the inactive ingredients in Funginix include tea tree oil (known as one of nature’s great healers), vitamin E-oil (an excellent antioxidant), Propylene Glycol (used as a penetration enhancer), Propolis Extract (anti-inflammatory and antioxidant), and many more. All of of these ingredients have been carefully blended together to insure the maximum effectiveness… so as a whole they therapeutically make up the perfect blend to kill nail fungus with no skin irritation.

Treating Toenail Fungus

Applying Funginix to your nail fungus infection takes only a few minutes twice a day. Using the complimentary applicator brush you simply apply Funginix once in the morning and once at night. Ideally you want to apply the solution under the toenail and to the cuticle with a cotton swab.

As a topical treatment, it will typically take 3 to 6 months to completely eliminate your nail fungus. You may even see signs of improvement within a few weeks depending on the severity of your nail infection.

Toenail Fungus Treatment of Choice

You can always turn to the staff at Funginix because they provide the highest level of customer service before and after your purchase. They have toll free phone and email support to answer all your questions.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your health. The quality, effectiveness, popularity and customer service of Funginix classifies it as one of the best.

Just imagine in 3 to 6 months you could have beautiful and clear toenails. How amazing would it be to look down at your feet and never have to see unsightly fungal infection and toenail discoloration again?

Source by Don Smith

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