Categories: Skincare

Home Remedy for Skin Care

Of late home remedy for just about anything is gaining importance for obvious reasons. And home remedy for skin care coming to the center stage is nothing astonishing. People who do not want to try or who are tired of using chemical therapy for skin care are turning to home remedy. After all your skin is the only organ of your body that shows predominantly in the public if you forget your hairdo for a while.

Well, let us come to the point straight away. Keeping your body hygienic assumes utmost importance in skin care regimen. Take bath twice in a day if your routine permits you. (Oh… I hate bathing in a tub as you will have to immerse your body in that dirty water till you get out of the tub. A shower is better). Use mild bath soap without caring for its fragrance. (Fragrances are by additional chemicals).

For washing you face, neck and shoulders you can make yourself a skin cleanser. You will need following herbs.

o Bael tree leaves (Aegle Marmelos)

o Java plum or Black plum leaves (Syzygium Cuminii)

o Betal leaves

o Sandal wood

o Cloves

o Lemon peel

o Tur Daal

o Acacia Sinnata

o Turmeric

o Camphor


1. Take about a kilogram of each of bael tree leaves, black plum leaves, betal leaves. Thoroughly clean them and boil them in twice the volume of water till you get a thick fluid.

2. Beat cloves (about 8-10), powder finely, the sun dried lemon peels (about 25), acacia sinnata, tur daal(2 table spoons), turmeric(1 inch pod) all of them and filter.

3. Okay. But what will you do with the sandal wood? Grind it manually on a grinding stone with a very little water so as to make a paste of it.

4. Mix all these together thoroughly and add to the now cold fluid made above.

Presto! Your own home made skin cleanser is ready for all skin ailment remedy. The liquid can be stored in a convenient, air tight jar or a bottle.

Your brand of this skin cleanser helps you get an odorless, glowing skin. You can literally throw your body deodorant through the window. The betal leaves and cloves help cure acne while bael and black plum leaves keep itches, eczema away. The turmeric and sandal wood will shine your body. The sandal wood and camphor will give a beautiful fragrance to you.

Are you game for this?!

Source by Alevoor Rajagopal


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