How to Cure Acne For Good

If you’re anything like me you have tried everything under the sun in order to cure your acne. Unfortunately most things under the sun do not work in the long term. Creams, lotions, and pills are just short term fixes for acne and most of them do not even work that well.

There is a natural way to clear acne. It’s not as easy as popping an anti-biotic, so if that’s what you’re looking for then you might want to hit the ‘back’ button now. There is no such thing as a magic cure for acne. There is however, a natural way to do it.

The first thing you need to understand about acne is that it is a hormonal disease that affects people who are genetically prone to get it. This is why some of your friends may have acne along with you, and some may not.

This is why diet plays a crucial role in acne development. Eating the wrong diet full of inflammatory foods such as vegetable oils and processed foods will only exacerbate your already acne-prone skin. Cut out all processed foods to start and you will already start to see an improvement. You need to eat the right foods as well in order to get the correct acne-fighting nutrients and minerals.

I also suggest supplementing with a few high quality (and inexpensive) supplements. Spirulina, for one, is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet today and can be obtained at any health food store.

The last thing you need to do in order to have completely clear skin is EXERCISE. Sorry if you hate that word, but it’s necessary. Fueling your body with the right foods and supplements will do 75% of the work, and exercise will do the rest. Exercise improves circulation and calms over-active hormones. It is the final ingredient to perfect skin.

I realize that these tips may sound vague. If you want an exact blueprint on how you can become acne-free in under 2 months, check out my blog. You must be disciplined and motivated or it will NOT happen, however. Good luck!

Source by Dan Calaway

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