Molluscum Contagiosum In Children
Molluscum contagiosum in children is a common problem.
Mollescum is a viral skin infection that is easily transmissible especially among highly social individuals like children. Molluscum Contagiosum in children is a frequent occurrence because children are constantly in contact with other children and potentially infected items. This is a highly infectious virus that can spread through regular skin on skin contact as well as through contact with infected clothing, towels, fabrics, etc. Since children do not yet have a highly developed immune system compared to adults, they are more prone to becoming infected with Molescum.
Infection with the virus causes the child to develop molluscum warts on their skin. Molluscum warts essentially look like pimples with a white center. That white center is a solid ball, which contains the actual virus DNA. The warts cause no discomfort as such. They do not itch or hurt. But they are unsightly and easily transmitted, making them a very unwelcome guest.
It’s important to treat molluscum contagiosum in children for a number of reasons.
First, this is a highly contagious disease that other children can easily pick up. The warts can last for over a year before the body recognizes the virus as a foreign invader and creates an immune response. That is entirely too long a period to be carrying around this virus.
Next, molescum possesses a property known as autoinocculation, which means that it infects surrounding healthy skin tissue without any outside assistance. In other words, if moloscum is allowed to remain on the skin, it will spread to other areas of the body, making it increasingly difficult to treat.
Treatment typically ranges from application of various topical creams, ointments and astringents, but these rarely have much of an effect. The most invasive and also most efficacious treatment is surgery or cryotherapy. Molluscum contagiosum in children warrants surgery because it is a highly topical procedure that basically involves cutting off the very top layer of skin containing the mollescum. If the procedure is performed carefully, there is little chance of scarring. This is perhaps the best option.
Another option is cryotherapy which involves freezing the warts off using liquid nitrogen. This process can be painful and cause scarring but it is certainly effective.
Overall, it’s wise to treat molluscum contagiosum in children the minute a diagnosis is arrived at in order to prevent further self-infection and other-infection as well as to swiftly deal with the cosmetic issues, which to a child can damage self confidence significantly.