Categories: Rosacea

Rosacea Diet – Drink These At Your Peril

Do you want some great tips about curing Rosacea… Fast tips and simple techniques that are PROVEN to work? If so, the today is your lucky day. I’m going to be sharing a few of them in this brief article. The GOOD NEWS is that getting some relief for your Rosacea isn’t as hard as the ‘experts’ would have you believe. The hard part is having to sift through all of the available information about Rosacea to discover exactly what works for you.

Rosacea Diet

If you are suffering from Rosacea then you are fully aware of the embarrassment and discomfort that the condition causes. You are probably also aware that there are many items which can cause an outbreak or an increase in symptoms. One of the most common group of Rosacea triggers is the food and beverage group. There are many items within this group that WILL cause you to suffer a Rosacea attack.

Here are just a couple of items that are known to trigger Rosacea, so by reducing your consumption of these items, or better yet, removing them completely from your Rosacea diet you should see a rapid improvement in your condition.

Diet Soda and Rosacea

Most people are not aware that Diet Soda and to some degree normal sodas can effect your Rosacea. Sodas (soft drinks or pop) are high in aspartame and or NutraSweet. Both of these substances can cause flushing in approximately 30% of Rosacea patients. In addition to the aspartame and NutraSweet problem, three bottles of soda contain the same amount of caffeine as a strong cup of coffee, and the effect of caffeine on Rosacea patients are well documented.

Alcohol and Rosacea

Almost nine out of every ten Rosacea patients limit the amount of alcohol that they consume because they believe that alcohol is part of the cause of their Rosacea. They may be right!

The National Rosacea Society has produced figures that back that assumption up with hard evidence. After studying a group of 700 Rosacea sufferers they discovered that 64% of them had an adverse reaction to just a single alcoholic drink. Thankfully they also discovered that drinking water immediately after drinking alcohol can reduce the severity of the attack. They also noted that sucking on ice chips when drinking wine can help to reduce Rosacea flare ups.

By just keeping these simple tips in mind when you are choosing what to drink, you can very easily reduce the likelihood and severity of your Rosacea outbreaks.

Source by Joanne Faulkner


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