Categories: Fungus

Staying One Step Ahead of Nail Fungus

Understanding nail fungus will help the individual to stay one step ahead in prevention methods. It can occur on the finger nails or the toe nails. If left untreated, damage can occur to the nails including loss of the actual nail itself.

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus are microscopic organisms which continue to grow if left untreated. They do not need any light to survive. Some fungi are good for the body; nail fungus is not which can cause infections.

Nail fungus can be classified within three categories. They can be part of a fungi group called dermatophytes. They can also be part of a yeast infection, or a mold grouping. Regardless, of their group classification, there are things which can be done to prevent the formation of nail fungus.

How does nail fungi grow?

Nail fungi can grow in dark, warm environments. They love moisture that comes from humid climates, showering facilities, and so on. Nail fungi can invade the skin through cuts and open spaces while growing unknowingly.

With this being said, individuals can be one step ahead of nail fungi by keeping cuts properly cared for and covered. If hands are in the water on a regular basis, allow time for the hands to dry thoroughly. Understanding of the disease will also be helpful.

Are there any risk factors to developing nail fungus?

Some individuals may be at increased risk for the development of nail fungus. If one has been exposed to the disease a number of times, there is an increase in the possibility of dealing with fungal issues again.

If an individual has issues with blood circulation within the body, they will also be at higher risk for the development of nail fungus. This is true because, if blood circulation is poor, the body’s defense is not as capable of fighting possible infections.

As aging occurs, men and women’s nails will tend to grow more slowly, as well as become thicker. This can open them up to having more fungal infections. This is even more so if they have a history of nail fungal infections within the family.

What are some other risk factors involved with nail infections?

There are a variety of other risk factors to consider when learning how to prevent infections. Here are a few to consider which will help to understand prevention techniques:

· Heavy times of sweating

· Working in humid environments

· Wearing improper shoes and socks

· Walking barefoot in wet, public places

· Having a case of athlete’s foot, or psoriasis

· Being a diabetic, or having a weakened immune system

· Skin injuries, nail injuries, or other infections

In most cases, nail fungi can be prevented. When dealing with fungal infections it is important to begin treat immediately.

Source by Paul Steel


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