Acne and Your Lifestyle

Believe it or not, there is a lot that you can do to help treat your acne just by changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. Although your lifestyle alone cannot completely heal every acne case, breaking acne-susceptible daily habits can bring a significant positive change to your face’s complexion and your acne. Getting a sufficient…

Hair and Scalp Care For Wrestlers and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Practitioners

If you train in any sort of grappling art like wrestling or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then you know how important personal hygiene is. As a practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu myself, I take great care to wash my gi after rolling and I disinfect my mouthguard diligently. Of course, to mitigate the possibility of getting a skin…

How to Remove Makeup?

We all have those lazy moments where we’d prefer to skip this important part of our daily skin-care regime. However, removing your makeup before you go to bed is important to keep your skin clean and healthy-looking, let your skin “breathe” while you sleep, and prevent mascara from smudging and foundation stains from making their…

Penis Rash – Important Causes, Symptoms and Best Treatment

There are many causes for penis rashes. Some are mild and easily treated whereas others are a little more serious and will take time to heal. There are three common conditions that cause penis rash. These are penis acne, penis eczema, and penis scabies. All of these conditions are treatable and, if detected early enough,…

Soap Actress Star Susan Lucci Touts Anti-Aging Benefits of Youthful Essence

If you catch late night television, you can always find Susan Lucci touting the benefits of how you can polish away the years with Youthful Essence. Youthful Essence is a personal microdermabrasion system that gently exfoliates away dull, dead surface cells. When you exfoliate your skin with this system, you will reveal healthier, more radiant…

Skin Crawling Sensations and Menopause

One of the creepiest feelings associated with menopause, without a doubt, is skin crawling. In fact, during menopause, a number of skin/nerve related conditions might be experienced, including itchy or dry skin, tingling feelings, and skin sensitivity. These conditions are all normal, but there are also a number of treatments available for menopausal women who…