Molluscum Contagiosum In Children

Molluscum contagiosum in children is a common problem. Mollescum is a viral skin infection that is easily transmissible especially among highly social individuals like children. Molluscum Contagiosum in children is a frequent occurrence because children are constantly in contact with other children and potentially infected items. This is a highly infectious virus that can spread…

Differences and Comparisons Between Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and Pharmaceuticals

Essential oils are becoming more popular today as people are discovering the powerful effect they can have not only on the physical body but also for emotional healing. There are differences in oils that are sold in health food stores, grocery stores and on the Internet. The low price of an essential oil can flag…

Skin Lighteners For African Americans – 5 Popular Products

Contrary to widespread belief, hydroquinone-based skin lightening products are not good for African-American skin. When hydroquinone is used on black skin in either high concentrations or for prolonged periods, it actually makes those areas appear darker! Hydroquinone bleaches the skin but if you are looking for skin lighteners for African Americans, you are better off…

Components of a Skin Whitening Cream – What To Look For?

Skin whitening is a method where certain parts of the skin are darkened through the cleaning of the normal elements. The areas which are prone to darkening include the underarms, knees, groin, elbows, and so forth. This process also minimizes freckles, sunspots and flat moles. This is also skillfully utilized for the purpose of obscuring…

Complete List of the Must-Have Items for Your Dance Makeup Kit

Dancers Makeup Kit Checklist: A Dancer’s Makeup look is often determined by the choreographer and/or the performance venue. Stage performance – Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, and Contemporary dancers typically dance on a stage. Whether you are recital dancer, competitive dancer, or a professional dancer, you will need to wear a darker, more intense…