How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally – Do Chinese Herbs Work?

Many acne suffers are turning to alternative forms of treatment when it comes to dealing with their acne. The three main reasons for that are firstly, conventional acne treatments are not very effective, the second reason is the cost. and the third reason is the possible side effects that can come from using these conventional…

How to Use Goldenseal Herb As an Acne Treatment

Herbal practitioners now think of Goldenseal as a ‘natural acne’ treatment, anti-inflammatory and mild antiseptic/astringent. Also Goldenseal can help with digestive problems, loss of appetite and liver pathologies. The astringent effect is on the mucous membranes of the lungs, the gut and the bodies’ skin. Goldenseal tastes quite bitter, encouraging the appetite and helping digestion…

Land Snail Serum as an Acne Keloid Natural Treatment

There has been recent research recorded (Jan 2008) claiming that the secretions produced by a land snail have skin regeneration properties, as well as contain many antioxidant properties. This study has been published by a Spanish Dermatology journal. This serum produced has also been proven to reduce scar formation. Products have already hit the market…

Find Out the Benefits of Laser Treatment For Acne Scars and Get Rid of Acne Permanently

Acne is considered as one type of skin disorder which is associated with scars, open pores and pimples. Several treatments are available for acne scars the most popular one among them is laser treatment for acne scars. This treatment helps in removing acne permanently from face and back part of the body. Dermatologists perform this…