How to Continue the Acne Treatment in the Summer

Acne-prone skin that has been exposed to sunlight can become hypersensitive when using medications including tetracyclines or isotretinoin. Therefore, how to heal the acne completely even in the summer? In the summer, people with acne-prone skin should consider carefully before sunbathing. Many acne treatments are photosensitizers: the treatments can trigger the rashes on the areas…

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Microdermabrasion Creams to Remove Acne Scars

In the last decades, microdermabrasion has grown to become a trendy cosmetic treatment for dark spots, lines, and wrinkles as well as acne scars. It is really a simple procedure that does not demand recovery time or anesthesia. What is really great is the fact that it can be carried out in a day spa,…