Kumbhaka and Anti-Aging

Yoga and pranayama are the most accepted holistic exercises for (possible) absolute health as explained by biopsychosocial model. Pranayama is the breathing exercise highly recommended for various physiological and psychological disorders. Kumbhaka forms the basis of deepest breathing exercises (Pranayama) required to regulate the activities of mind and increase the concentration. This helps stabilizing the…

The Benefits of Antioxidants – To Prevent Chronic Diseases And Support Anti Aging

What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants are natural substances found mainly in vegetables, fruits, nuts and spices that help prevent or reduce oxidation which occurs at the cellular levels. They do this by removing “free radicals”, which, if left alone could oxidize cells – leading to inflammation and chronic diseases like diabetes, joint diseases, atherosclerosis, cancer, dementia…

Anti-Aging Supplements – Making the Most of Extraordinary Market Growth

How anti-aging supplement companies are getting ahead, and how any company can do the same, is the focus of this article. As you’ll see, marketing anti-aging supplements takes some remarkable creativity and savvy in developing strategies for persuading older audiences to buy them. It starts with a case study. MEET THE PATIENT I’ll call him…

Alternative Therapy: Yoga In Anti Aging Progression

Yoga may have a profound and positive effect in anti aging progression, some renowned institute studies suggested. Aging is a natural process of growing old. Yoga, the ancient technique for harmonized external and internal body well beings, through breath control, meditation, bodily movement and gesture… has been well known for people in Western world and…