The Only Way to Use Benzoyl Peroxide – Do it This Way Or You’ll Regret It

What Is Benzoyl Peroxide Since you’re reading this article, you are probably already familiar with benzoyl peroxide. However, just in case you’re not familiar with it or don’t really know why it works, here is a brief explanation. Benzoyl peroxide is a compound that you apply directly to the skin to treat acne. It can…

Acne: Trouble Over the Counter – Benzoyl Peroxide Banned by European Union

There are many over the counter (OTC) preparations for treatment of acne. Sold as lotions, gels, creams, and cleansers, OTC products can be a precarious buy and consumers should be aware that chemicals applied to the skin can also be absorbed into the body. The potential adverse effects of chemical agents make natural skin care…