How To Say Freckles, Pimples, Dimples, Cold Sore, Blackhead and Warts in Spanish

Today we will learn how to say freckles, pimples, dimples, cold sores, birth mark, mole, blackhead, and warts in Spanish. I will begin by telling about an experience that I had here in Medellin, Colombia that made me realize that it is important to know how to say these words in Spanish. This story will…

How to Remove a Blackhead – Try These Secret Tips and Enjoy Blackhead Free Skin Today!

Learning how to remove a blackhead especially when you have them on your face is a very important step to learn. Having blackheads on your face is very annoying and frustrating. That is the main reason that you need to look for different methods that show how to remove blackheads safely and efficiently without scarring…

Blackhead Remover Tools – Are They Safe and Effective?

For as long as people have suffered from acne, the blackhead remover tool of choice has been their fingers – or more accurately their finger nails! Obviously, this isn’t ideal, because no matter how carefully you wash your hands, you will not remove all of the dirt and bacteria from under your finger nails, which…