Laser Skin Treatment – Advantages and Disadvantages

Laser skin treatment is becoming increasingly popular as it can be employed for many types of common skin problems including unwanted facial hair, acne, sun damage, wrinkles and birthmarks. The advantages of laser skin treatment far outweigh its disadvantages. It is good for people who want to get rid of unwanted hair on body and…

How Aloe Vera Can Help In Improving The Texture Of Your Skin

The miraculous plant, Aloe Vera, offers several health benefits. This is basically an herb which contains numerous substances which are very useful for providing nourishment to the skin. This plant contains about 22 forms of acids along with several other substances which provide nourishment to the injured cells of the skin. There are several external…

Make Your Life Happy – How to Prosper and Choose Your Life Pursuit of Happiness

“I have no idea what happiness is,” someone confessed in a seminar of mine recently. She realized her life was full of “to-do’s” and no “woo-hoo’s.” She was buried under work and burnt out, not being able to celebrate the joys in her life. This audience member made me ponder the true source of our…

Beauty Comes From Within That’s Why It’s Important to Eat Healthy Foods

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but your appearance is usually the first impression that someone gets when seeing you for the first time. Perhaps that’s why women in particular spend millions of dollars each year trying to enhance the natural beauty that nature has bestowed upon them. While there are all…

The Number One Thing You Can Do to Eliminate Your Acne Problem!

Is acne stealing your teenage life? Are you embarrassed from the stares at the bumps? Some scoffing too? Are you constantly having people asking you what’s wrong with your face? Well that’s not a good feeling! Many teenagers’ and even adults years are marred by severe acne acne acne! They know the pain of going…