Wheat Protein In Face Lift Serum, Skin Creams, and Hair Care

Wheat protein is an ingredient used in many beauty products like face lift serum because it contains not only protein, but amino acids which are readily absorbed by the skin and hair. As with most ingredients used on the skin, there can be benefits and drawbacks to wheat protein. The main benefit is the film-forming…

Acne Rosacea – Which Creams Will Actually Help You Get Rid of Redness, Papules and Pustules?

Acne Rosacea is a long term skin condition that causes facial redness, thread veins and spider veins (known medically as telangiectasias), and in some cases, papules and pustules. These symptoms can be very troublesome psychologically, and lead to social withdrawal and isolation in some people who are severely affected. However, treatments are available that will…

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Microdermabrasion Creams to Remove Acne Scars

In the last decades, microdermabrasion has grown to become a trendy cosmetic treatment for dark spots, lines, and wrinkles as well as acne scars. It is really a simple procedure that does not demand recovery time or anesthesia. What is really great is the fact that it can be carried out in a day spa,…

New Acne Treatments – The Acne Drugs, Creams and Therapies that Could be Coming to a Shelf Near You

My first encounter with acne medicine, if you will, happened when I was twelve. My grandma just spotted a huge, swollen bubble of a zit on my cheek. Ached by the sight of my gruesome facial growth, grandma gestured me over to her medicine cabinet and pleaded, “Put some turpentine on that soar to suck…

Under Eye Wrinkle Creams – What You Need to Know

Under eye wrinkle creams are a common part of every woman’s beauty regime. The real question that you need to ask yourselves is this – do creams actually help you in preventing eye wrinkles? Maybe you’ve considered alternative treatment like Botox or laser treatment. Whatever your option you absolutely need to know what you are…