Surefire Ways to Cure Toenail Fungus – Success is Guaranteed!

Toenail fungus is mainly a culprit when your toenail turns much more thicker than it should be. Infected toenail smells very bad. Any one infected by this infection has many problems like one can not move freely in a public area since toenail fungus makes one feels very awkward and embarrassing. On the other hand…

Does a Homeopathic Treatment For Toenail Fungus Work?

A homeopathic treatment for toenail fungus cure or remedy can in fact be effective for many people suffering the embarrassment of nail fungus. While you may have fought or are fighting this condition now, if you’re reading this, the lack of a complete cure has no doubt increased your exasperation with the condition. The problem…

White Onychomycosis Distal Onychomycosis – Different Types of Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis or toenail fungus is the most common known nail disorder. It is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes which are parasites that feeds on keratin, protein of which nails are made of. Dermatophytes are anaerobic organisms meaning they can survive without oxygen. This is the same type of fungus that cause other…