Propolene Glycol – A Common Skin Ingredient With Issues

Propylene Glycol is a humectant and humidifying agent. This ingredient is generally used in brake fluid, anti freeze, laundry detergents, paints and floor wax. It is also used in the cosmetic industry and in some foods to keep products from melting or freezing in extreme temperatures by maintaining a balanced moisture content. Propylene glycol is…

The Difference Between Hypoallergenic Skin Care and 100% Pure Skin Care

In the quest for natural skincare, there are a number of terms that are often used when describing cosmetics and skin products. They include 100% pure skincare, hypoallergenic skincare, and organic skin care. There are some large differences between these terms and if you have sensitive skin it is a good idea to know which…

Alcohol Treatments – Alcohol is a Miracle, But NOT For the Reason You Think!

What Really Are The Top Alcohol Treatments? Who would have ever thought that something capable of ruining your life actually has some good in it? Yes, alcohol is a miracle, well, it could be, but not for the reason you think. If you are in need of alcohol treatments, and by treatments, I literally mean…