Melanotan Benefits Rosacea Sufferers – Lessen Symptoms and Triggers!

A tan has the ability to significantly reduce facial redness. Can you believe someone with rosy red checks can realize this? Incredible? Unbelievable? Pale individuals typically lack melanocyte hormone. Melanotan has the ability to stimulate melanin/melanocytes in anyone who is not pure albino…hiding a moderate flush underneath a tan. Again, this works in all types…

Types of Acne – Chloroacne, Rosacea and Nodular Acne

One common type of acne is choloracne. Actually, this is a derivative of the terms ‘chlorine’ and ‘acne’. That means that it is the type of acne that you get for using various chlorine products and chlorinated compounds. Various people have various reactions to various substances, and yours just happens to be chlorine. In some…

Dr Schrammek Blemish Balm For Acne, Rosacea and More!

Imagine your skin free from impurities. Tired of monthly or daily breakouts, red irritated skin or unsightly scars? But what exactly causes such blemishes? Sometimes simple irritants such as hair products, sprays and gels can clog the pores and be a culprit. However, more commonly hormonal changes result in blemished skin and redness. This happens…

Acne Rosacea and Alcohol

Acne rosacea and alcohol consumption to excess have long been linked in the imagination of many. The reddened, coarse “whiskey nose” belonging to W.C. Fields is a visual reminder of the effects of untreated rosacea. The rosacea-plagued skin becomes increasingly red, and can cause over-development of tissue on the nose, leading to a bulbous appearance….