Herbal Skin Care

The Best in Skin Care Today skin care is taken to a new level, and many people consider herbal care to be the best choice when considering natural skin care. These natural products provide revitalizing nutrients and anti-oxidants that help keep your skin beautiful and ageless. Herbal products contain natural herbs, often with no added…

Photofacial – Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatments For Removal of Age Spots and Blood Vessels

Photofacial skin care treatments, also called IPL, short for Intense Pulsed Light, are very effective, no down time, safe methods for removing pigment, or brown spots, and excess or broken blood vessels from the facial skin. Browns spots, broken blood vessels around the nose, chin and cheeks are classic signs of sun damage and aging…

Acheive Younger Looking Skin With Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Enhanced laser skin rejuvenation treatment uses an advanced state of the art laser scope system for enhanced skin rejuvenation. When people with either mature skin, sun-damaged skin, or those who have overdone it on sun beds, then laser skin rejuvenation is really the best treatment to have. This treatment is a non-invasive laser treatment for…

Using Nutrition To Treat 5 Common Skin Problems

Acne: You should avoid well-recognized dietary “triggers” such as grains, corn, peanuts, eggs, soy and dairy. Even if you don’t have a diagnosed gluten intolerance problem, a relative gluten intolerance may also be at work because glutens seem to have an almost allergic-type role in stimulating acne. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley…