Stretch Marks and Effective Ways of Removing It

Stretch marks or “striae gravidarum” in its medical term are caused by the excessive stretching of the skin. The usual causes of stretch marks are rapid weight loss or weight gain, puberty and pregnancy. Almost all teenagers and expecting mothers will get this condition. Stretch marks are a common phenomenon between women. Women who are…

Myrrh Oil for Wrinkled, Chapped, or Cracked Skin

Myrrh ( Commiphora myrrha ) – PROPERTIES & ACTIONS INCLUDE: Anti-inflammatory – controls, alleviates inflammation resulting from injury or infection Antifungal – destroys or inhibits growth of fungus Antiseptic – prevents, halts infection Astringent – causes contraction of organic tissues Expectorant – helps promote the removal of mucus from respiratory system Immune stimulant – an…

Changes You Go Through After Going On and Coming Off of Oral Contraceptive Tablets

Just like going on the contraceptive pills, coming off of them is also something you must think over before deciding to actually do so. Oral contraceptives consist of synthetic forms of hormones produced naturally in the body that regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle, and the fluctuating levels of these hormones play an essential role in…