skincare to avoid during pregnancy

Stretch Marks and Effective Ways of Removing It

Stretch marks or "striae gravidarum" in its medical term are caused by the excessive stretching of the skin. The usual…

3 years ago

Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment of Freckles

Freckles vary in color from red, light-brown, brown, tan, yellow or black. They are more prominent in summer and among…

3 years ago

Stretch Marks Removal – You Can Remove Stretch Marks

We live in an era where image is just so important. It's no use shirking this fact, it is simply…

3 years ago

Beauty Tips For Every Age

As you grow older, your skin changes-and so should your beauty products. The tinted moisturizer may have worked when you…

3 years ago

How To Cope With Melasma During Pregnancy

Hyperpigmentation affects approximately 90% of pregnant women. It is characterised by darker patches or spots of darker skin covering any…

3 years ago

Why Some Women "Glow" and How You Can Too

You often hear of women whose skin seems to "glow." It's a kind of radiance that you see in some…

3 years ago

Myrrh Oil for Wrinkled, Chapped, or Cracked Skin

Myrrh ( Commiphora myrrha ) - PROPERTIES & ACTIONS INCLUDE: Anti-inflammatory - controls, alleviates inflammation resulting from injury or infection…

3 years ago

Protect Your Skin From The Sun And From Melasma

Commonly found in women in their reproductive years between 20 to 50 years old, melasma often occurs during pregnancy in…

3 years ago

Changes You Go Through After Going On and Coming Off of Oral Contraceptive Tablets

Just like going on the contraceptive pills, coming off of them is also something you must think over before deciding…

3 years ago

What Do You Know About Your Nails?

First things first, do you even know what your fingernails are made of? Our fingernails and toenails are made up…

3 years ago