Stretch Marks – What Are the Benefits of a Home Remedy For Stretch Marks?

One of the side effects of gaining and losing weight rapidly is stretch marks. You can gain weight due to several reasons like puberty, body building and most importantly pregnancy. In fact it is so common for pregnant women that many people believe it is a women’s condition. But it is not true, anyone can…

Get Paid Blogging – Tips on How You Can Achieve It

A lot of people who are involved in online blogging today are more concerned with sharing information or their opinion on a particular subject. However, there are others who are concerned with how to get paid blogging. For the latter group of people, they have discovered several techniques to use blogs to earn additional income….

It’s Monsoons AND a Long Weekend: 5 Tips to Get You Singin’ in the Rain

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” – Bob Marley There’s a reason why rains bring out the poet in most of us. Whether you choose to stay indoors or get soaked, there’s something about rainy days that makes you wish to fly away. But somewhere along this dream monsoons is the reality…

The Magic of Organic Skin Care Products – How They Work To Beautify Your Skin

It is important to maintain the natural health and youthfulness of your skin. See, aging can be the number one cause of skin problems. There are plenty of formulated treatments out there. But you have to be really sure that the treatment you will get is effective and will not cause any harm to your…

Cosmetics, Skincare, Chemicals and You – Are You Getting What You Want?

We all want to look good, feel good, smell good. So, we layer on ourselves, day after day, products designed to give us what we want — a gorgeous, ageless appearance; smooth, radiant skin; and a scent that will attract the man or woman of our dreams. But are all these products giving us what…

History of Skincare Part 9: Ancient Rome: The Empire, 31 BC-400

Continuing Traditions in the Empire Today, the Roman Empire is known as one of the largest, most prosperous empires the world has ever seen. Over the course of four centuries, what started as a small city slowly expanded into neighboring countries, spreading across Europe and the Middle East. At its height, the Roman Empire reached…