Cosmetics, Skincare, Chemicals and You – Are You Getting What You Want?

We all want to look good, feel good, smell good. So, we layer on ourselves, day after day, products designed to give us what we want — a gorgeous, ageless appearance; smooth, radiant skin; and a scent that will attract the man or woman of our dreams. But are all these products giving us what…

History of Skincare Part 9: Ancient Rome: The Empire, 31 BC-400

Continuing Traditions in the Empire Today, the Roman Empire is known as one of the largest, most prosperous empires the world has ever seen. Over the course of four centuries, what started as a small city slowly expanded into neighboring countries, spreading across Europe and the Middle East. At its height, the Roman Empire reached…

History of Skincare Part 19: The Great Depression, 1930-1939

The Crash Everything changed suddenly in 1929 when the stock market crashed. Many of the rich became poor overnight and many of the poor became destitute. While shocks were felt across the Western world, America got the brunt of the Depression. Tent and shack cities rose up in urban centers, bread lines stretched for blocks…