Oregano Supplements : An Effective Natural Treatment for Fungus and Other Ailments

What’s the big deal with oregano? Many of you have eaten foods containing oregano, or even sprinkled it on your pizza, without knowing its healing powers. In a comparative research, oregano topped the list of healthy herbs according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to, Shiow Y. Wang, Ph.D., the study’s lead…

Is Laser Treatment Or Surgery a Safe Way to Get Rid of My Acne?

Most cases of acne can be treated easily enough using simple hygiene and over the counter treatments. These treatments can quickly resolve mild cases of acne. Some people, however, experience persistent, stubborn acne that does not respond to available treatment or which has the potential to result in scarring. Most people with mild acne can…

Noseeums: Homeoprophylaxis and Treatment

Noseeums, also known as midgies, sandflies and punkies, are tiny red bugs that thrive in damp environments which also promote mosquitoes. Like mosquitoes, they are blood-sucking insects, but are barely visible biting flies, hence the common term “no-see-um.” Members of the Ceratopogonidae family, they leave behind small red welts or water-filled blisters that itch. Once…

Acheive Younger Looking Skin With Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Enhanced laser skin rejuvenation treatment uses an advanced state of the art laser scope system for enhanced skin rejuvenation. When people with either mature skin, sun-damaged skin, or those who have overdone it on sun beds, then laser skin rejuvenation is really the best treatment to have. This treatment is a non-invasive laser treatment for…

Dark Color Changes To Toenails: Potential Causes and Treatment

Dark-colored streaks in toenails are common in the United States, especially amongst people with darker skin toes, particularly in African-Americans. For the most part, these streaks usually represent non-serious conditions. However, especially in fair-skinned people, the presence of these streaks could represent a deadly cancer. This article will discuss the common causes or dark streaks…