Most Popular Non Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Non surgical cosmetic treatments are taking over surgical cosmetic treatments for simple cosmetic fixtures. Its non invasive look, minimal down time, short period of clinic time spent and affordable features encourages more and more people to choose it over plastic surgeries. The reports of the number of celebrities who are undergoing non surgical treatment is…

Alcohol Treatments – Alcohol is a Miracle, But NOT For the Reason You Think!

What Really Are The Top Alcohol Treatments? Who would have ever thought that something capable of ruining your life actually has some good in it? Yes, alcohol is a miracle, well, it could be, but not for the reason you think. If you are in need of alcohol treatments, and by treatments, I literally mean…

Photofacial – Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatments For Removal of Age Spots and Blood Vessels

Photofacial skin care treatments, also called IPL, short for Intense Pulsed Light, are very effective, no down time, safe methods for removing pigment, or brown spots, and excess or broken blood vessels from the facial skin. Browns spots, broken blood vessels around the nose, chin and cheeks are classic signs of sun damage and aging…

Essential Oils Work Remarkably Well With the Popular Galvanic Treatments

Good, all purpose essential oils for skin care include lavender, sandlewood, geranium, and patchouli, plus numerous others depending on your skin type. All skin types benefit from a regular moisturizer. Jojoba oil is an excellent oil for the face, as it has collagen and elastin-like properties and is readily absorbed. It is not a true…

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Acne Laser Treatments

Several acne laser treatments are available nowadays. This therapy is an alternative for you since your acne has not responded to traditional therapies. Patients considering laser treatment should consult a dermatologist experienced in providing the therapy. Do not be afraid to ask questions about your dermatologist experience and qualifications. A dermatologist can determine if this…