Surprising Ways Botox Can Be Useful Other Than Wrinkles

The majority of the people’s experience with Botox has been limited to a particular location – between the eyebrows. Dermatologists say that 90 percent of Botox is used on the forehead, addressing crow’s feet and between the eyebrows. That being said, about 5 to 10% of Botox treatments are done on unexpected areas, several times…

Does Preparation H Under Your Eyes Get Rid Of Wrinkles?

You may have heard that the hemorrhoid cream, Preparation H, can also be used to reduce wrinkles, reduce fine lines, and give smoother skin underneath your eyes. Well, if you have a bottle of Preparation H manufactured in the United States, you’re out of luck. The FDA previously required the reformulation of Preparation H to…

Is Jergens Face Creme More Effective For Wrinkles Than Coconut Oil?

When it comes to moisturizing lotions, Jergens is one of those brands you would hear about often. Lots of people have come to love Jergens for one reason or another. Some do because it’s affordable and comes with great moisturizing properties. Others use it because it happens to be “always around” every time they do…