Categories: Acne

The Real Causes Of Acne – Treat The Causes And Blitz Those Zits

Having acne can feel like you have been cursed. Every morning, when you look in the mirror all you see are those horrible zits. This is why you continue to buy all those creams that promise a cure but only produce temporary relief at best. But why haven’t you found a way to solve your problem? The answer is simple, you are not dealing with the real causes of acne, you are simply treating the symptoms of the problem – those horrible zits.

This needs some explanation.

When you apply some cream to those zits, what you are doing is treating the symptoms of your problem, the zits themselves. What you are not doing is dealing with the underlying causes of acne that produced the zit in the first place. Understanding this important point is fundamental to treating your acne in the most effective way.

You are probably familiar with the story that

(a) excess oil mixes with dead skin cells that

(b) clog the pores and

(c) causes the zits which

(d) attract bacteria which the

(e) body fights and produces the infection – the redness – and so and so on etc.

Whatever the reason, acne looks horrible and all you want to do is get rid of it. So how can you do this? What is the most effective way, mentioned earlier?

Zits don’t just develop by themselves. Acne is actually quite a complex condition and is caused by the interaction of a number of internal factors. So, treating acne simply as a surface problem, will never work. You need to establish what is happening “inside” and then set out to deal with all those internal factors. These are the real causes of acne and the root of your problem.

There are various factors that can cause acne and, briefly, the major ones include:

• hormonal imbalance – this is why puberty is when most people suffer from acne, as it is the time that their hormones are going wild.

• a build up of toxins in your body

• specific diet and lifestyle factors

• hygiene, which applies to internal cleanliness as well as keeping your skin clean

• emotional issues such as stress

In most cases, it is a combination of these factors that is causing your problem. So, the first step in really dealing with your problem is to identify which of these factors is causing acne in your case. Once you have done so, you can then set about treating each of them.

The most effective way to achieve this is to undertake a holistic program of totally natural treatment that combines the most suitable form of natural supplement(s), together with strategic changes to both diet and lifestyle.

Such a course of treatment will specifically target the causes of acne that you have identified and then stimulate your body’s own natural defences to combat them and finally eliminate them. This is so much more effective than simply applying a cream.

Furthermore, it stands to reason that if you can eliminate all the causes, you will actually have cured your acne problem.

Of course you will need to find the best guidance in order to get the most effective results, but do some research and you will eventually find this guidance. You will be able to establish exactly what the real causes of acne are and then you can set about “blitzing those zits” for good.

Source by Jim Rees


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