The Uses Of Neem Oil

Neem oil can cure natural ailment for many reasons and it comes from neem flower plant. The oil is pretty famous in Asian regions because of its cultivation in Asia which makes it affordable and useful oil. As I said it is natural ailment for many items but it is the main ingredient for many cosmetic products too. Everyone is used to say that beauty is natural but we all know that cosmetic makes beauty artificial. Cosmetic word comes from the ancient age where people used to apply natural ingredients to skin. In modern age this word is covered up with commercial products.

Considering natural products to enhance our beauty is a very good thought. It is one of the natural products which you can use as a cosmetic beauty product. Neem oil is a vegetable oil but neem beans are poisonous so it’s better to use it as a beauty product. There are many people who loves perfumes and fragrances but they can’t use due to their sensitive skin. Don’t worry if you are one of them because you can add the oil in your perfume and it will not affect your sensitive skin.

Neem oil is built to maintain high and very low temperature so it is good to use it in your soaps. If you are worried about your cosmetic product due to temperature changes then mix a few drops of it on them as it is a natural preservative too. We were talking about natural beauty product and it can be applied in eyebrows and eye lashes for good growth and you’ll get a beautiful shine too. So we can consider neem oil as an eyebrow additive and eyelash add-on. Don’t worry about the eye as it will not effect in eyes and can give positive results.

Conditioning hairs with this amazing oil is also a good idea, you can massage with the oil for 10 minutes before hair wash for proper conditioning. It helps to stimulate hair cores and roots for heavier and conditioned looks. It is a very essential oil for your hair treatment and one can treat scalp disorder too.

Neem oil is a skin cleanser and it helps to reduce acne too. Mix a few drops of the oil with any oil or use it separately both will provide an instant glow to your skin. So that you don’t need any moisturizer, fairness cream and face wash for your face.

If your skin is so dry and irritating you, then you can consider using it as a skin softener for your skin. Omega 3 fatty acids are very good for treating skin problems and they are enriched in the oil. You can apply the oil in any part of your skin and it will definitely not hurt you. You can also use neem oil as a heel balm if you’re used to wear high heels. Neem oil is all in all a good beauty product, which can provide better results to your skin. If you are not able to get natural neem oil then visit a medical shop near you to purchase a commercial neem oil product.

Source by Kyle Tanner

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