Categories: Fungus

Toenail Fungus Treatment – 3 Simple Steps to Getting on the Right Foot

Toenail fungus treatment comes in many forms; from prescription medicines to natural remedies. There are 3 simple, basic steps you can easily do to begin correcting toenail fungus, and a variety of foot disorders.

The most common foot ailment is nail fungus, or athletes foot also known as tinea pedis. A fungal infection is usually a by product of a weak immune system, or excess acidity, or a warm, moist environment. Getting to the root of these problems is how you start your own toenail fungus treatment.

The first step is to change how you eat. The body is made to be more alkaline than acidic. It is our diet that lowers our pH making the body highly acidic. What this does is open the door to disease and infection. None of which can survive in an alkaline state. To get the body back to an alkaline state you need to regulate highly acidic foods and get your body to a more balanced pH.

Since toe nail fungus thrives in an acidic environment, acid forming foods should be eliminated. These include red meats and foods high in phosphates, such as sodas, sugary foods, and fried foods. Drinking plenty of water is also essential. Additionally vitamin A is necessary for the general health of the skin, and many enzymes that are effective in your toenail fungus treatment are activated by vitamin C. Boosting the immune system is the best idea and may be corrected through nutritional supplements and diet as well.

The second step is in how you care for your feet. Lets start with a bit of grooming. When trimming your toe nails use clean clippers and always clean them in between use. This can be done by soaking them in alcohol.

When you trim your nails cut straight across and keep short – be careful not to cut too short where you damage the skin. Then best time to trim your nails is after a shower or bath when the nails have softened a bit.

When drying your feet use a paper towel to get them really dry – then throw it away, or if you use a towel dry your feet last and then wash the towel. Do not re-use the towel before washing it.

The reason toenail fungus it is commonly referred to as athletes foot is because the fungus is alive and well in most gyms and locker room shower areas. Walking around in these areas barefoot leaves you wide open to getting the fungus on your toes and under your nails.

And when you go to the gym do not walk around barefoot – ever. Even, and especially, when showering. Invest in a pair of flip flops to wear when walking around in damp places where nail fungus thrives.

The third step is found in how you shop for shoes. When buying shoes be sure to give your toes plenty of elbow room. This will give them a bit of room to breathe as well as keep moisture at bay.

You want to keep your feet as dry as possible. When wearing socks be sure to change them often. And please – only wear socks once before washing them. Socks should be made from a moisture-wicking fabric like cotton or wool blends for best results.

In warmer climates and seasons wear well ventilated shoes – ideally sandals, flip-flops or open toe styles. The more you can go barefoot around the house or in the yard – go for it! Dry fresh toes make for happy feet!

Source by Saga Stevin

Alessia Brandonisio

Published by
Alessia Brandonisio

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