Types of Acne – Chloroacne, Rosacea and Nodular Acne
One common type of acne is choloracne. Actually, this is a derivative of the terms ‘chlorine’ and ‘acne’. That means that it is the type of acne that you get for using various chlorine products and chlorinated compounds. Various people have various reactions to various substances, and yours just happens to be chlorine. In some people it is more severe, as a matter of fact, than in others. Stopping the disease is however easy because all you have to do is cease your use of the products and find others to use.
There is another type of acne that specifically targets the capillaries of your cheeks, nose and forehead. It fills them with pus and blood, and results in severe skin infections. This is the type of acne that is referred to as acne rosacea.
Then there is the type of acne commonly referred to in professional circles as nodular acne. This type is characterized by small protruding swellings that appear like knobs or lumps on any part of your body. What they really are is a mass of cells on your skin that is no longer part of your skin growth, but of the disease. When you have so many of that all over your body, your skin does look rather unsightly, and you find it hard to spend time with friends, or anybody for that matter.
Having known these types of acne, you need to speak to your doctor so that you can be properly diagnosed, and then accorded the appropriate treatment for the disease. Some treatments may have to follow conventional means while others may best be by natural cures for acne, using various remedies that have been known to work.