Vapor Rub For Toenail Fungus – An Alternative Solution

In fact, the use of vapor rub as a treatment for colds has become so established that many will be surprised to know that it is also used for other purpose such as the treatment of toenail fungus.

In using vapor rub for toenail fungus treatment, there are two methods that have been in practice for many years now. The first method involves simply applying a small amount of vapor rub onto the surface of the infected toe as well as surrounding areas.

During application, make sure that the entire surface area is covered. The vapor rub will eventually soften the toenail, making it more easily penetrable by the methanol which then eradicates the fungus that causes infection in the toenail.

It is better to use vapor rub for toenail fungus treatment during the earlier stages of the disease when the toenail is still quite thin. Once the toenail has become thicker, it will be much harder for the vapor rub to seep into the nail to kill the bacteria.

Another way of using vapor rub for toenail fungus treatment is by mixing it with very hot water in a medium-sized container. Place your foot with the infected toe above the container so that when the vapor rises, it will be able to penetrate the toe with the fungal infection.

Over the years, there have been thousands of satisfied users of vapor rub for toenail fungus treatment. Many of these are mothers that have used the remedy on their children. In fact, there seems to be a higher success rate of using vapor rub for toenail fungus removal in children than in adults. This is probably explained by their thinner toenails which the vapor rub can permeate much more easily.

There have also been a handful of people who have tried using vapor rub for toenail fungus and had disappointing results. One reason for this could be the extreme thickness of the toenail. If the treatment had been started in the more advanced stages of infection, the vapor may not be able to pass through the very thick nails.

Another reason why vapor rub will not work for everybody is that there are actually a number of toenail fungus varieties that are very resistant to methanol, which is the active ingredient in vapor rub that kills most of the other types of fungus.

Even if the success rate is not 100%, it’s still advisable to try vapor rub for toenail fungus before going for other medication. After all, there has never been any reported harmful side effect so it is completely risk-free. With its minimal cost, there is really nothing to lose by trying this remedy that so many people swear by.

Source by Chirs Parker

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