What is the best treatment for each type of acne?
Spring skin changes! At this time the increase in temperatures and hours of sunlight influences your body and your hormones are also altered. It is precisely because of hormonal changes that acne is most frequent . Pay attention to your skin and take care of it! From Plaza Mayor we bring you everything you need to know to avoid this problem.
What is acne?
Acne is a disease characterized by the appearance of skin lesions as a consequence of folliculitis, inflammation and subsequent infection of the follicular pore, where the hair comes out. They usually manifest as pimples, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches , such as cysts.
In most cases, acne appears during adolescence , affecting around 80% of young people between the ages of 14 and 16 . The main reason is related to clogged skin pores . In these cases, if the blockage is incomplete, black dots are formed , while if it occurs completely, white dots appear .
This plugging occurs for several reasons. One of them is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands and dry sebum, causing bacteria to accumulate in the pores of the skin, preventing sebum from flowing from the hair follicles through the pores. Hormonal changes are also another reason for pore collapse. These variations are associated with puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, stress, or the use of oral contraceptive methods , such as the pill. It is also important to use appropriate cosmetics for our skin because they can influence the state of our skin , just like oily hair products.
Types of acne
Based on the above, it is also necessary to know that there are different types of acne . If you have pimples in the T zone of the face, we refer to the forehead, nose or cheeks; and, much less frequently, on the back. You have a mild acne class , which usually consists of various blemishes, such as blackheads, pimples, and, rarely, some papules.
While with moderate acne , also called papulopustular, it is more common for a mixture of papules and pustules to occur. Also, the skin may appear red and inflamed. But this is not the maximum. There are also the levels of severe and very severe acne , so it is important to see a doctor to avoid problems.
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Juvenile acne
This type of acne, as its name says, appears in preadolescence and adolescence . Eight out of 10 young people suffer from this problem, the main cause of which is usually the hormonal change that occurs during puberty. This acne is located in areas such as the face, neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest, where white spots, blackheads, pimples, and cysts can be found.
During puberty and adolescence , androgen levels increase dramatically, especially in boys. These hormones are the ones that cause acne , since they produce more sebum than necessary. Both girls and boys at this age suffer acne, in many cases it is severe or very severe .
Acne treatment
Acne treatment is based on two modalities: topical and systemic . The choice of one modality or another will depend on the severity of the acne.
Treatment for severe acne
One of the treatments to consider is the one we need to end severe acne. First of all, if you are one of those who suffers from this acne model you have to put yourself in the hands of a dermatological professional for treatment.
According to experts, for severe acne it is recommended to start a systemic treatment, which includes systemic antibiotics for 3 to 6 months . The retinoids that are prescribed are tetracyclines, erythromycin, minocycline and clindamycin, which allow a complete cure in almost all patients. In some cases it is necessary to administer more than one treatment cycle.
Other people with a more severe type of acne experts give them two types of therapies that they can follow.
One of them is surgical treatment , with which cysts are drained. On the other hand, there is systemic treatment , using isotretinoin, associated with systemic or intralesional corticosteroids.
How to remove acne marks?
Acne can leave scars on the skin , especially if it has been experienced for a long period of time or the pimple has been manipulated.
How many times have we exploited a granite and that has resulted in a brand for weeks? Therefore, our first advice will be not to touch the pimples to combat acne spots and marks. We know it is very difficult at times, but you have to be patient if you do not want to suffer the rest of your life from those unwanted marks .
Those scars or spots on our skin can take time to remove, so from our Shopping Center we give you a series of products that will be easier for you.
Anti acne creams
To get the treatment right, it is best to ask a dermatological professional. He will know what is best for our skin. We have made a list with the latest creams to combat this problem in our Shopping Center. Like this ointment with which to eliminate the dreaded pimples. Keracnyl Stop Blackheads from Ducray manages to dry them and make them disappear quickly, leaving your face clean and free of blemishes . Being an ideal product for oily skin, it is also made without perfumes and is not comedogenic. Yves Rocher also has creams for grains.
Keracnyl Stop Blackheads by Ducray in Primor (€ 11.95) and SOS Grain Eraser by Yves Rocher (€ 7.95)
The Avène brand that you can find in Primor de Plaza Mayor is a great option to fight against those persistent imperfections. Why is it ideal? It exerts a triple selective action to limit the risk of bacterial proliferation, reduces redness and favors the elimination of grains. In addition, this emulsion favors the reduction of black spots and smoothes the skin’s texture .
Avian Triacneal Expert in Primor (€ 19.50)
Acne masks
Let’s not forget that daily hygiene and mechanical exfoliation are essential, as they can help us reduce these marks. Take note! Clean your face with products that unify skin tone and exfoliate once or twice a week to remove dead cells. In this way, we will detach the damaged layers of the skin. The Ritual of Namasté Purify line by Rituals is perfect for this .
Cleansing Milk (€ 11.90) and Skin Brightening Face Exfoliator (€ 11.90) Rituals
But if something is also important it is the masks. With the Keracnyl Triple Action Mask from Ducray you will enjoy its triple action to descale the pores, absorb excess sebum and, finally, exfoliate gently. The appearance of your skin will improve considerably , being a perfect treatment for combination, oily or acne-prone skin.
Keracnyl Ducray Triple Action Mask in Primor (€ 11.95) and Yves Rocher Descaling Mask (€ 8.95)
At Yves Rocher you will also find a good option for a descaling mask, which has a new skin effect. This product has excellent results as it disincrusts pimples and blackheads , absorbs excess sebum and impurities, and, best of all, renews skin texture and calms redness.
Acne treatment in Unique Centers
In Plaza Mayor you can find several treatments in our Unique Centers : endopeeling, chemical peeling and prostrolane Blanc B.
The perfect endopeeling to repair the effects of photoaging. It is a highly effective method to reduce stretch marks, scars, acne or chickenpox lesions. Experts recommend this procedure to treat stains or melasma due to its depigmenting action.
On the other hand, chemical peeling is a mild, practically painless treatment that allows the superficial layers of the skin where dead cells and lesions are found to be removed. In this way, the result is visibly more even skin , with more luminosity, and a new looking face , without marks or blemishes.
Meanwhile, the prostrolane blanc b method is the latest revolution in aesthetic medicine. Its main function is to correct and reduce hyperpigmentation, through the decrease in melanin synthesis. In this way you will regain the firmness and elasticity of the skin .
Forget about the problem of acne with the keys that we have given you. Remember! Get cream this summer and avoid the marks . Find all the products you need for health and beauty and the best professional treatments in Plaza Mayor . You will love them!