White Spots on Skin – Is This a Form of Acne?

The medical name for white spots on skin is lucodermia or vitiligo, it is an entirely different problem from acne. Rather it is a skin ailment in which the shade of the skin is lost due to some ecological, environmental or some hereditary cause. These white spots become visible on the skin as scrap of white skin with no pigment.

These white spots on the skin are more frequent in those people who have an auto immune disease. The hormone corticosteroid is produced by the adrenal gland. The insufficiency of corticosteroid hormone triggers this ailment. Most of the dermatologists prescribe Vitex or some steroid added cream.

Some dermatologists also prescribe a natural way and that is the sun contact of the affected skin for a longer period of time. The cells which are used for pigmentation become more active when exposed to direct sunlight for a longer period of time.

A research study says that there is a possibility of the transplantation of these cells from some other part of the body where these cells are functioning properly. This transplantation will completely cure the skin from this disease.

Some make up base can also be used temporarily to cover these spots but it is advised to consult some dermatologists, who will treat these white spots on the skin properly and cure the disease from root.

It should be kept in mind that this skin disease is inherited. The inherited diseases cannot be avoided. So a proper treatment should be done to treat it , to avoid any emotional and psychological effects.

Source by Tehmina Mazher

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