3 Types of Natural Treatment For Nail Fungus

Nail fungal infection is a disorder that afflicts about 11 million Americans. It is prevalent especially in the older population because of their greater chance of exposure to fungus over the years and because of poor blood circulation.

Doctors claim that the quickest and surefire way to treat nail fungus is from the inside through oral pharmaceutical drugs. While the chance for treating the disease is greater compared to other forms of remedy, these drugs have been proven dangerous to health especially when ingested for more than the prescribed dosage or for prolonged periods. They are also proven potentially fatal for patients with heart, liver or kidney disorders.

For this reason, most patients prefer natural herbal treatments to nail fungus. Herbal treatments are regarded as safer compared to pharmaceutical drugs, not to mention more affordable. But the question of efficacy often clouds herbal treatments in general.

Studies have proven the significant healing effect of certain natural treatments in the fight against nail fungus. The success rate depends greatly on the suitability of the chosen course of treatment and the diligence in applying the treatment. In determining the appropriate treatment, doctors will consider such factors as the patient’s age, lifestyle and pre-existing conditions if any.

1. Essential Oils:

Over the years, essential oils have been proven effective in treating different medical conditions. Their antiseptic and antifungal properties, make them effective remedies for different skin conditions including nail fungal infection. Some of these are commonly found in many personal care products such as cleansers, toners, deodorants and feminine products. These essential oils include:

– Tea tree oil

– Oregano Oil

– Eucalyptus Oil

– Primrose Oil

– Sesame Oil

– Castor Oil

– Lavender Oil

– Olive Oil

– Almond Oil

– Jojoba Oil

– Clove Oil

For this reason, one of the more widespread alterative home treatments to nail fungus is vapor rubs which are composed mainly of essential oils. Any of these essential oils can be used individually or in combination and administered topically to the affected nails and surrounding skin regularly for prolonged period of time, depending on the severity of the disease.

There are also some commercial preparations composed of these essential oils and used either as soak or topical treatment. The most popular of these are:

– ZetaClear

– Nail Rx

– Tetrasil

– Goldenseal Root Tincture

– Paul D’Arco Tincture

– Nail ReNu

2. Herbal Nail Vitamins

There are also several all natural dietary supplements intended to treat or build immunity against nail fungal infection. These medications, made up of natural antifungal ingredients, aim to build the immune system and target the source of infection. Some of these common ingredients include:

– Tea Tree Oil

– Grapefruit Seed Extract

– Probiotics such as lactobacilli

– Vitamin A

– Magnesium, Calcium

3. Other Common Kitchen Ingredients

Many people attest to the effectiveness of common ingredients found in the kitchen in treating nail fungus such as:

– Raw garlic

– Lemon

– Natural Cider Vinegar

More importantly, it is necessary to observe good hygiene throughout the course of treatment and well after the infection has been eliminated. Maintaining clean hands and feet will prevent the spreading and recurrence of infection.

Source by Wong Darren

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