The Use of Herbal Remedies and Garlic For Rosacea

Antibiotics People suffering from rosacea and who are treated with antibiotics over a prolonged period are more prone to yeast infections. The use of antibiotics over a long period can decrease normal bacteria populations and increase the number of yeast. Most treatments have side effects, these vary from person to person and depend on a…

Organic Nail Fungus Treatments – Do Organic Treatments Work?

What types of organic nail treatments area available to me? There are few organic products which can be ordered online. Some of the products are Nail-RX Nail Fungus Treatment, Nail Fungus Treatment Kit Part II, Fungus Treatment for Finger, Varisi Toenail and Fingernail Fungus Treatment, Orly Nail Polish Fungus MD Nail Treatment and No Miss…

Does Preparation H Under Your Eyes Get Rid Of Wrinkles?

You may have heard that the hemorrhoid cream, Preparation H, can also be used to reduce wrinkles, reduce fine lines, and give smoother skin underneath your eyes. Well, if you have a bottle of Preparation H manufactured in the United States, you’re out of luck. The FDA previously required the reformulation of Preparation H to…