Get Rid of Acne – Win the Acne Battle Naturally

Figuring out how to get rid of acne is a problem for an untold number of people across the globe, and affects both teenagers and adults. Acne can range from a mild outbreak to painful cystic acne that leaves permanent scars, and can be exasperating and expensive in its treatment.

To combat this embarrassing problem, many millions of dollars are spent every year on treatments to cure acne. These treatments range from costly pharmaceutical creams to dermabrasive procedures, and even includes a treatment that can cause liver problems.

What if there was a method to cure acne that had no side-effects, cost only pennies to use, and worked even better than expensive dermatology treatments? Don’t scoff, because such an acne cure exists.

The answer to the age old question of how to get rid of acne is simple: oatmeal. Plain, inexpensive oatmeal.

Oatmeal has been used my many mothers to help their children through the discomfort of chicken pox, and is a wonderful method to soothe poison ivy. By using the same principal, oatmeal can cure acne as well.

Here is how to get rid of acne using oats; take a cup of plain oats and mix in a blender until the dry oats are a fine powder. Then, take a small portion of the oat powder and mix with warm water until it is a thick paste. Finally, smooth this oat paste over the entire portion of the face afflicted with acne, and let dry completely. When the oats are dry on the face, wash off with warm water and a gentle soap, and presto! The texture of the the skin will be smooth and soft, and the acne cure has begun. The oatmeal paste is gentle enough to use daily, but acne sufferers may notice that, as the acne begins to clear up, less frequent use of oat paste is needed.

It seems almost too easy, and maybe it is. All that really matters is that this technique can cure the most stubborn case of acne and leave the skin looking vastly improved.

There is no longer any need to wonder how to get rid of acne; just look in the pantry!

Safe enough for babies, but strong enough for cystic acne, this all-natural acne cure is one of Mother Nature’s best kept secrets, until now!

Source by Julian E Hooks

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