Crows Feet – Some Treatments and the Red Skin Side Effect

Age, UV rays, alcohol, smoking, less sleep, stress, and some particular facial expressions like squinting etc. are some of the main reasons for which aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines and crows feet appears over our face. Crows face is also known as eye wrinkles which start to grow from the two corners of our…

Sore, Red Penis and No Clear Cause? Understanding Male Genital Dysaesthesia

A sore, red penis is not an unusual occurrence. Men tend to put their equipment to hard use, and issues like friction, chafing, sensitive skin reactions and a host of other dermatological ailments can lead to redness and penile pain. In most cases, these problems can be easily identified and treated; but what happens when…

Rosacea – How IPL Gets Rid of Red Face, Blood Vessels and Acne

Rosacea, also called Acne Rosacea is a very common skin condition characterized by a red face. Rosacea causes flushing of the face which eventually leaves permanently enlarged visible red blood vessels and capillaries, and a red faced appearance especially on the cheeks, nose and mid face. In time raised red bumps or acne lesions also…