Wind-Kissed Skin: Tips on Avoiding Windburn on a Ski Vacation

Aside from the possibility of getting caught in the middle of an avalanche and getting a frostbite during your ski vacation, here’s another threat that you should avoid: windburn. So what exactly is a windburn? Windburn is the redness of the skin caused by long exposure to strong and cold winds for extended period of…

What is Perioral Dermatitis – Understanding the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Perioral Dermatitis is a common skin problem that primarily affects young women ages 25-40. Children between the ages of 7 months to 13 years may also be affected. In addition to redness, symptoms can include small red bumps or pus filled bumps, and peeling. The areas most affected are usually between the nose, to the…

Broken Blood Vessels Cause Dark Circles Under Eyes

Millions of people have dark circles under eyes. Most have inherited the color and characteristics of their lower eyelid from their parents. Dark circles under eyes often appear during childhood, many people telling me they first noticed their dark circles when they were 9 or 10 years old. There are many causes of dark circles…