The Difference Between Hypoallergenic Skin Care and 100% Pure Skin Care

In the quest for natural skincare, there are a number of terms that are often used when describing cosmetics and skin products. They include 100% pure skincare, hypoallergenic skincare, and organic skin care. There are some large differences between these terms and if you have sensitive skin it is a good idea to know which is which.

The phrase 100% pure skincare is a bit of a misleading title. Any natural ingredient has been processed slightly and this renders it so that it is no longer 100% pure skincare. The closest you can get to 100% pure skin care is aloe vera gel that you have harvested yourself from the plant. Even then, some people may argue that drawing it out of the leaf renders it no longer 100% pure skincare.

100% pure skin care gives no promises that there will not be an allergic or negative reaction to the ingredients in the product. 100% pure skin care simply implies that there are no additional chemicals or substances that have been mixed with the ingredient being listed as 100% pure skin care ingredients. It is ironic that it can be difficult to know how much of the particular ingredient listed as being 100% pure skincare has been included in the product you are using.

Many people think that hypoallergenic skincare products will not cause allergies, but this is not the case. Hypoallergenic products do have the chance to cause allergic reactions but the chance of having an allergic reaction with a hypoallergenic skincare product is lower. In some cases, the formulation of hypoallergenic skin care products is different so that even people who are allergic to a particular ingredient may be able to use that ingredient in a hypoallergenic skin product.

Keep in mind that in order for a product to be labelled as hypoallergenic skincare, it has often been modified significantly from its natural form. If you are trying to use more natural skincare products, you may have a hard time finding natural ingredients in a hypoallergenic skin product.

Organic skin care products are also different from 100% pure skincare products and those that are labelled hypoallergenic skincare. Like the 100% pure skincare products, there are no guarantees that organic ingredients will not cause allergic reactions. It simply designates that an ingredient has been grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

Whether it is 100% pure skin care, hypoallergenic skincare, or organic ingredients, you should always make sure that you do not continue to use a product which makes your skin tight, red or painful. 

Source by Amy Austen

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